Wednesday 9 July 2014

Non event!

Well what can one say...quick text one hour before, 'can we reschedule for Friday'. Bells ringing, I've heard this one before. Have I made yet another naive assumption that people keep their RVs,and their   promises? Saying that I realise I have just cancelled a guest, but a good two months in advance mind you.

I don't really know what to think and called in all my reserves to understand the meaning of this cancellation. Four texts later I am none the wiser, but now am home renewing the fore-cancelled adverts. Starting from scratch, I'm used to that, it's just that time is running out and I was sure this was the one. 'Wait till the money's in the bank', I hear you say, and OK, again, you're right. Lesson learned, I hope.

On the net later and already have had three replies for small room, there are people out there, but who? Then all of a sudden another text from L, 'pls can we go ahead as planned?' But where's the money I say? Her landlady Jane then rings to be her guarantor, so I go along with that and allow her to bring son on Sunday to have a look and then we'll decide. In the meantime I arrange a meeting with an Indian and Japanese male to see the house on Saturday.  Such are the travails of renting a room, I'd better just get used to it.

To redecorate the smaller room I picked up some cheap pictures, but, relevant, in case the 17 year old does appear. See pics below.

I hope he is not boring!

These are my Rules of Engagement...

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