Thursday 10 July 2014

Guests no. 3 ..2 from US

TThe room is ready for my third, this time American, guests, due to arrive sometime today/night, no information as yet. But these are not Gen Y, nor Gen X, but I think Baby Boomers, so i-Phones and Apps may not be prevalent, or even exist in their lexicon. I have thus cancelled everything, got breakfast stuff for tomorrow, and now am just waiting, relaxing and focussing on the positive for tomorrow especially. Chances are they may arrive at midnight from Australia so I may have to wait up for that. My emails to Katherine from Massachusetts have produced no joy so I can do no more. 

Another new experience, but not one that endears me to the idea of BnBs.  The four prospects coming to view the smaller room tomorrow are becoming more and more inviting, for both rooms I am now considering. We shall see but I will use all the experience built up from five or so failures to be more discreet, circumspect, and even a little distant, if that is at all possible, lol!  But I have the feeling that this time I will catch the fish.

Room ready...

Serena serenely looking down...

Tonight's fabulous moonlight view

Really, it is a dream location!

And Katherine and daughter, Nadia, arrived right on 6.15 allowing me to go to HU Song. So nice of them. A quick visit to the toilet and I sent them on their way to Friday night on Cuba, the best show in town, I know they will love it. They are both very nice indeed and are also on their way to Oz, including visiting Coober Pedy, where I have never been. Again a good example of good guests from Air BnB.

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