Wednesday 28 January 2015

Gotham return

This summer heat is a salient reminder of what I will be experienceing when back in OZ. It makes you feel tired, listless, in need of a bex, so to speak, lol! 

Today it is beautiful in the extreme, I should have been out at dawn jogging with all the Kiwis, (I don't think!) but I slept in still not doing all the emails I needed to do, nor extending my OS trip in August a week which I intend to do now I know my brother will be in the USA for his 80th birthday. This will give me time to see Anna and Meg and John, and hopefully Lydia, while visiting London for a week in my first hot August in the UK for many years..
Popular NZ passports, what's new?

Every billionnaire wants to live here, or at least have a patch of Kiwi land!

The Mormons finally relent on their anti-gay stance, thank the Lord!

The one thing that remains impressive here in Kiwiland is its wholehearted embrace of things different, mostly in the cities, of which Wellington is the main example. The Rugby Sevens week which is coming up has the most extreme example of transvestism I have ever seen, with every man woman and child getting out in strange clobber to celebrate a footy fest! The march down the main streets stops the city, all the teams from abroad are infected with this madness which permeates the city for a whole week, with more arrests from drunken behaviour than at any other time during the whole year. And they play, and watch, Rugby, to boot. As it is only a Seven a man team it is more open to competition from the smaller countries like Tonga and Cook Islands, so it is not always that NZ wins the shield.

Last year I went out to witness the madness taking many photos of strangely dressed footballer fanettes, and this year I may just take a back seat. Although my Scottish Country dance group has been invited to join in the Rugby Sevens march, something which would be a hoot if it wasn't so ridiculous. I don't think I'll join them somehow.

This morning I booked a seat at the Circa Theatre next week, a cabaret style show which willdoubtless be  interesting  to witness as it goes later to show in London. It will be my first visit to this fascinating looking theatre on the Quay which has attracted me for some time.

In my favourite library..studious Kiwis

Hard at work.

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