Sunday 11 January 2015

Seminar day two

The day starts sunny and beautiful, with a healthy HU sung with Mehdi whilst still in bed.
 He is a beautiful Soul and totally open to his new and exciting first ECK Seminar experience. He skypes his beautiful wife Mehri and son Ryan, in Melbourne and we have a short chat.

At the seminar I volunteer for the Hosting jobs and so see everyone who has come for the Seminar, friends  from all over Australia. I feel totally welcomed and the first question from M who is the Sydney ECK leader, is 'When are you coming home?' This is all I need to confirm my decision to leave beautiful New Zealand, sad but true. 

The Seminar unfolds with the guest speaker from Alaska Michelle telling her stories of untold adventure and excitement, including one about the Exxon Oil spill with which she was intimately involved. She is unassuming and very pretty, with long dark hair like a young co-ed, but is in reality in her fifties with grown-up children  and is a also widow.

Like so many things in Eckankar many things are illusory and we see through them into the reality.

At the end of the second day I meet in the hotel foyer a man called Demeter, who wants to talk about things spiritual and metaphysical. I take him upstairs to the  party going on at the end of day two.There is karaoke happening, a cacophony of awful sound but it doesn't hurt him, he is truly interested so I give him an ECK CD of the HU and invite him to come tomorrow. I hope he does. It Is turning out to be the exciting seminar I had expected. 
On the street..

Morning mist

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