Sunday 11 January 2015

Last day of seminar

It is raining today, a change from the many hot Sydney days, but I have forgotten how we do get rain here in Sydney. I have left room-mate Mehdi in his bed while I shower and shave, then fly down to the cafe below for a quick coffee fix before the day starts.
Sleeping Mehdi

Coffee below...

It has been another very full Seminar day, but today, as well as hosting, I manage to sit in the from row with my NBF Demeter, to listen carefully to the amazing stories emanating from the mouth of Michelle, our Alaskan fisherwoman and Spiritual traveller. Today, her final story is rivetting, imparting a final lesson in surrendering fully to the higher force, the God, or the Sugmad, when in mortal danger. In this instance, she and her husband and Border Collie named Sugar were caught in an enormous snow and rain storm on the top of a ravine, and only escaped with their lives with the miracle of the HU allowing them to see the way ahead. When one surrenders to Spirit, it is necessary to put no conditions on it, as Spirit always knows the best result, however it happens. 

That is what I will take away with me from this Seminar: surrender, and be sure you will get what you need, not necessarily what you desire. 

I say my many good-byes, especially to Mehdi, and know that we will meet again. 
On to the bus and train to go see my brother and begin the next part of my Sydney trip, it will be different, but exciting I know that.

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