Tuesday 6 January 2015

Home Cafe

Hullo from Home Cafe in the National Library...today is another grey cool day, no complaints as soon
I will be in Sydney's Summer madness. Last night at a nice Kiwi pub in Brooklyn, I had dinner with R and Lesley discussing the future of BP in Wellington. There will be changes this year as Lesley is moving on and there is the new Canadian ED in Auckland. All will be good!

The Home cafe, as well as nice light meals, has a selection of good magazines so I discover the NZ Books Quarterly, a large glossy and very readable journal on all things literary in Kiwiland. And there is a substantial lot as this is a most literate race. Having just met one of their illustrious set, the late Jean W., I am all the more interested,  and they are also a very modest lot of writers for the most part.

 A bio-novel, about Kiwi aviatrix Jean Batten, takes my interest as it is written by Dame Fiona Kidman whom I met at Jean's funeral. The book called The Infinite Air, has a mildly good review, only critical on the lack of depth Kidman takes in writing about this fascinating Kiwi adventuress in the days of Winston Churchill and Iam Fleming. The book is obviously a tempting morsel which makes one want to taste more, as the facts are that Jean Batten died in a pauper's grave in Majorca. Now there should be a great story there!

It is very busy with public servants sipping their coffees
And girls catching up after Christmas...

Glad to see IPhone on top!

Amazing Kiwi fortititude and fun

Is this game a competition?

Real sporting effort from Sri Lanka

A booth in the cafe..

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