Friday 2 January 2015

Sunny Saturday reading...

Cannot believe two hot days in a row in Wellington, but I hear it is 40 degrees C in Melbourne, one of the main reasons I quit that lovely city. Here, at a balmy 24 degrees, it is delightful, so this is just perfect for a nice catchup coffee with Tom in Newtown where interestingly we bumped into J who was desperately searching the second-hand shops for random copies of Jean Watson's books. She is a goer that one, but she was having absolutely no luck btw.

 Later did some market shopping to prepare a good brekkie for for Te Herekiekie tomorrow. 

Through my bedroom window

My bedside companion, a good read!

Last night at the Paramount I saw an unexpected gem of  Kiwi film, written and directed as a debut effort by Max Currie. Called 'Everything we loved' it was poignant, dark, beautifully acted and totally Kiwi.
The honours were nearly stolen by the five year old actor who was mindboggling in his intense role and who was present during a large part of the movie and incredibly believable. 
It was a sad story, bleakly told, but in authentic Kiwi language and it showed the extent of a father's love for his child.

 I won't reveal the plot,  just go and see it. Five stars.

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