Sunday 4 January 2015

The 'Memphis Belle'

It is a hot but cloudy day, supposedly only twenty-one degrees but feels much hotter.
Am in the middle of finishing Peter Carey's book which has me by the throat, cyber hijacking in the eighties, something which Julian Assange used to great effect in the noughties.
 Decide to get out of the lovely empty house for a quick coffee at the Memphis to see if they remembered how to make my coffee.

In five days I will be in Sydney, another world, another time frame. It will be the big test for my move later this year. If all goes well it will be sealed on my return, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part! So to speak lol!

Morning sun on the bay

Dixon Street...

New T shirt

Where I am heading...?

Comfort on the street

My old school desk!

Striding up Courtenay..

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