Monday 26 January 2015

Palmerston North

After an interesting meeting with head honcho of BP Auckland I slip off for a coffee at Memphis.
The Dom Post is all about our unusually hot summer, with a 27 degree max yesterday being the hottest Wellington has seen in a long long while. Actually the top Temperature Wellie  has ever seen is 31! Take that Sydney!

Later today we are going with Ron and Ailua from BP to Palmerston North to do some outreach in the north. It is a long ride but I owe it to BP to volunteer sometimes.  The weekend just finished was a big one, but very self-indulgent alrhough I did make some interesting contacts, including Tom's friend in Oriental Parade, Peter. We'll see if anything eventuates.

My life is Wellington is certainly not dull, busy in the extreme, and I am learning something new all the time. This will he hard to replicate in Gosford but challenge is what I thrive on. Having spent a wonderful summer here is a good way to exit, not with a whimper, but with a bang. I will now perhaps sing with Ti Whanawhana at the Day Out in the Park? Who knows, it may be a good thing to do. 
Memphis Blues
Summer madness in Wellie

The Palmerston North visit was rather a non-event, a slight hitch in organising resulted in no-one there and a  wasted trip. Perhaps not altogether wasted as it was a lesson in preparing the ground before you execute a plan, and obviously this was not done. It will be necessary to accept that something needs to be done to remedy this for the future. I think a meeting with Tom who is pragmatic enough to say it as it is, is the way to go. Then confront Ron with the problem and suggest a solution, however disagreeable it may be. This will be for tomorrow after the dust has settled.

Road home from Palmy..

Marvellous mountains!

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