Monday 19 January 2015

Home at the Memphis

I cannot believe I have brought the beautiful Sydney weather back to Wellington, it is a perfect day, sans humidite! The trip last night was excellent sitting next to a German girl who may even be looking for a house in Roseneath in a few months so I passed on my card. However it was not without incident as we were at least half an hour late so with no Uber taxis available I was relegated to paying double.
Added to this was the fact that I had not been instructed how to eject the sim card, in case you need to know, by poking in a paper clip it emerges without a problem. Also in struggling with it I damaged somewhat the Sim card case and it wasn't making correct contact so it registered as NO sim card! Quelle drame!
However after a quick visit to Vodafone they remedied and I saw how to eject the sim in future, another lesson learned by a cyber dummy.
Coffee and scone at Memphis

Absorbed in the Dom Post

Yup, sure is...

Great weather for a week!

Hope to see this tonight at Te Papa.

On perusing the Dom Post I see an excellent Maori play tonight on at Soundings Theatre at Te Papa, I hope I can get tickets. It is about the Maori - Pakeha differences on the settling by the British. Looks very interesting.

Well, it was more than interesting, it was astoundingly good. I am so happy I went and after the production as it was the first night several speeches were made, some in Maori, and it was a privilege to be there.  Jim Moriarty the director, came right up to me after the show and gave me an enormous hug. It was moving me as theatre always should. What a great return to Wellington.

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