Tuesday 13 January 2015

Hyde Park Sydney

Last night's dinner at a smart Thai restaurant in Mosman was memorable in many ways, not the least for the excellent tasty food all ordered with great knowledge by our host for the evening John who was recently bereaved. We did not talk of his partner, with whom we had dined many years earlier in happier times but we talked about his Renaissance holiday tours in Europe and other similar pleasant and safe subjects. The evening went fast and J and R downed a nice bottle of red and W and I quaffed our tap water. 

John is fully immersed now  in his newly single life and although lonely he has many friends to spend time and money with. I would like to see him again but it would be on my terms but finally I feel he is not quite on my wave length so things will rest for the time being.

Returned from Mosman with two quick bus rides I was home by teno'clock to watch Australia Socceroos beat Oman in the Asia football cup on Mike's big screen. It is only with sporting events I miss the Television Experience.
Hyde Park in summer

Sun bathing...

A less than memorable coffee..

At the St James Cafe

Today I am meeting very old friend Helen, going back over fifty years, we are still good friends and have met in Germany a few years ago when H. sas visiting her brilliant son Steve, studying for his Doctorate at Freiberg University. I was best man at her brother's wedding; that brother, and another, one of Australia's pre-eminent playrights and producers, are both deceased. How time makes minions of us all. So Helen and I have some memories to peruse. After morning tea I am then on to meet A at Bondi Junction  and accompany her home to dinner tonight prepared by bro Mike. A big event.

Sydney is feeling really good and I am already looking forward to my return, at least to its environs, like the Opera House. I sit here in Hyde Park and hear the many languages spoken around me and realise only too fully how I feel good in a very cosmopolitan atmosphere, although the word last night was sadly that Sydney may well be the next target for the ISIS extremists to attack. As if the Lindt Chocolate event in Martin Plaza wasn't enough, but that was by a mad loner. So with that in mind I will be totally aware that my presence in Sydney may well have another dimension...

After dinner jam session with Annie
The ukulele came out for an essential post prandial experience with bro using his new instrument giving
some return for us to help digest out lamb and ratatouille dinner. The weather was warm and sultry but the cool breeze made it a perfect late afternoon.

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