Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year's Day 2015

Babylon Cafe on Oriental Parade, fitting for the first day of the year, and the sun is shining!
Crowds are here

Last night the winds were strong and the rain came and I stayed at home, surrendering to the dictates of Wellington's creative weather. After all, the Scottish dancers would dance just as well without me, and the the body was asking for some rest after my day-long drive from Auckland on Tuesday.

First thing this morning I dropped in a present for Mr Patel which Pam had commissioned me to give him, I thought New Year's Day a good time for that. He was delighted and we had a nice encounter, me paving the way for news later in the year, telling him of my imminent holiday in Sydney and then June birthday celebrations. It is business, renting houses, and he knows that better than anyone.

Tom is now joining me for a first coffee of the year to catch up on the Auckland trip.

First coffee of 2015 blending in with my iPhone
Young ones enjoying the weather.

Alan Turing's sad and amazing story

Jennifer has invited me for lunch and it turned put a biggish affair. About eight people including her good neighbour friend who is the Turnbull Librarian, a very nice chap who arrived with his Irish friend From Auckland thus lending even more interest to the day. The food was great, company also and the weather just perfect. We spoke about Jean Watson's passing and all of them seem to be going to the funeral tomorrow. It will be interesting.

To finish a big day I catch the first day of The Imitation Game at Cuba Lighthouse. Benedict Cumberbatch is excellent and the story is fascinating about the breaking of the WW 2 Enigma Code.
Produced by American Harvey Weinstein's company it is only spoiled, for me anyway, by a Hollywood style romantic interpretation of Alan Turing, whereas a gritty black and white English version would have been far more authentic. It lost some gloss for me just by being too glossy. But it finished a lovely first day of the year 2015. 

What else will this year bring I wonder, I am hoping for some big stuff, but I'd better watch what I ask for!

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