Saturday 17 January 2015

Hot Sunday

Am out and about on a superb Sunday in Sydney. The weather couldn't be better, about twenty six degees Celsius and a cool breeze blowing. I am on the roof of the MCA, the Museum of Contemporary Art, situated in an unbeatable position opposite the Opera House and below the Harbour Bridge is nearly too perfect.

Last night Tosca was ab fab...really a great production by fabled Sydney director John Bell and set in Italy at the end of  World War Two. It worked pefectly and he took a few bets which paid off, plus all the singers were excellent, especially the essential Floria Tosca who died beautifully, this time being assassinated on the tower instead of jumping to her death - a nice touch. The evening was picture post-card perfect and the big crowd certainly enjoyed the wonder of the architecture of the Sydney sails in the evening light, the sparkling craft sliding silently by outside the enormous window panes with  the luxurious appointments inside the tiled sails a real buzz to behold. We all loved the Opera and it deserved even a bigger reception than it got. But then that's the Aussies. 

Btw, I learned a big lesson last night, yet again, about carefully looking after my cash, don't put it loosely in my trouser pockets, zip it up. I think I have really learned that one now and someone is 200 bucks the richer for it!

After the opera finished quite late, I caught a bus to Maroubra Junction and walked the last few kilometres home in a balmy night, taking off my shoes to feel the warmth of the earth. The end of a big and lovely day.

Working towards recognition...

Tosca at Sydney

Great production...

MCA roof view...

Cruiser in berth

Ham and egg toast with interest

As you can see this is a wonderful city, with  a spectacular harbour and sunshine to burn, and that's exactly what it does, as Aussies have the highest percentage of skin cancers in the world. But when you are aware that the this great weather comes with a toll, you appreciate it all the more and take care to avoid the bad outcomes. Immigrants like Benjamin from Peru are the ones who feel the privilege even more than we native Aussies do, and this is a salutary lesson to remind us that it is our undoubted privilege, not entitlement, as so many think.

It is now time to do my little visitation of the day, to Prince Alfred Hospital to see how Helen is recovering from her operation, and also to see how Peter is surviving the strain!

Having a drink in P.A.  Deli with Peter

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