Monday 19 January 2015

Last Day in Sydney

Its is cooler and grey skies, so a fitting preparation for my return to the windy city. It has been a full and  satisfying eight days and I am having lunch with Benjamin at the place of the first meeting, Coco Cubano. 

Yesterday's visit to Helen went very well in spite the presence of the 'ugly sister' who always puts a damper on things. I gave her the stray yellow rose which was broken from the bunch I put in the vase for Helen. Helen  appreciated them although they were a rip-off and I should have bargained for them. Oh well next time, I am slow to learn these things.
Grey sky on Cubano

Lovely cafe like in Cuba street

Things with bro were also OK and the visit only confirmed how different we are and how intransigeant he is. There'll be no changes there I'm afraid. I am about to have a serious chat with B, this time about me, as up to now it has been about him. He is extremely nice and genuine, but he is an Aries like my bro. so I need to remember that. In the meantime I have done all my emails to Wellington to prepare for my return. All will be well and I am looking forward to a very busy return.

Nice Cuba Coffee

Airport waiting for Air NZ

Having had a third lunch with B I feel we are progressing well, even to the point where I feel good about inviting him to Wellngton for  visit, and quite soon. So that is indeed a big step forward, but no promises, early days yet. 

Arrived in tons of time for the flight and Air NZ was all automatic at the check in  which is so much easier and no queueing and few people so I am waiting with an hour to spare and no stress at all. Be prepared and arrive early is my present mantra about travelling. And it works to a T.

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