Friday 23 January 2015

Saturday Swim Competition

Last night's movie was certainly interesting, with Julianne Moore up for Oscar nominations as Best Actress. But it is a tough subject, Alzeimers Disease, I have seen it in action in older people and they are just not there. But this concerned a fifty year old academic intellectual with early-onset Alzeimers and the extreme problems it creates with the family and loved ones. The film was finely wrought, on an edge, and managed to come off quite well. The cast was good and although it stopped in 'flagrante delicto' so to speak, (the character had just descended into the stage where she was unable to communicate), it covered most bases well and left you feeling very bleak indeed. What else can you feel when you see a life lost in full bloom? It will appeal to a select range of brave people, among them most Kiwis. Five stars.

And now to prepare for the Rainbow Swim Meet at Freyberg Pool, just around the corner from me  and which will be resplendent no doubt with rainbow flags. I hope to complete a few events, and not have a heart attack in trying. Tonight later we celebrate with a dinner in Tory Street at a Chinese restaurant which should be interesting with all the Aucklanders down for the weekend. Tomorrow the ball-room dancing introduction to newcomers.

Getting ready...

With Mario

Dinner afterwards at The Century

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