Tuesday 31 March 2015

Jazz Festival in Wellie

This is a bit misleading, this title, as although I'm presently listening to some very cool jazz, it won't be coming to Wellie till June, from 2 to 7, when it will be a week of pure joy for the jazz enthusiasts in New  Zealand. In the meantime there is a jazz festival at Tauranga, and it looks like it will be everywhere until June. Jazz that is!
Last night I went to the Paramount Art Cinema, as it is called, and saw my first Royal Shakespeare Company's production direct from Stratford-on-Avon. it was a modernised version of Love's Labours Lost set in the1900s just before the outbreak of the second World War.

I really didn't know what to expect, but excellent acting of course. But it was much more than that, it was a superb production and well worth the extra money. Shakespeare's language  may sometimes need a bit of translation but in this case the audience was prewarned to let it just roll over you and the meaning would be there. And it indeed was there, and a most enjoyable rendition of the Bard from Avon it was. I was so happy I went and shared the experience with about ten others in a very comfy theatre at the Paramount. I will go again as it is paired with Much Ado About Nothing, aka, Love's Labours Won. Something to look forward to.

But now to return to chores, as this week is clean-up week and I 'm serious about it. Housemate Fir is doing the same so it will be an extra motivation to be on the same page as her.

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