Wednesday 27 January 2016

Angel's Birthday

Saturday Jan 16

Last night's pick-up at the airport was perfect, and Malcolm seemed in good form. After a shower and brekkie we are now in town, he to buy a mobile from Vodafone and sim card, and then go to a doctor's for his anti-depressants which he left at home unfortunately. Hope he will get some, if not we will find another place.
In the mean time I am in Zaida's for a first coffee before the New Town Market and a visit to Tom's.
Lovely Zaida's

Well no luck at the medical centre it was closed so we found another one in New Town where I orignally thought to go. All good there, then a great day at the local markets with lots of buskers and colour and movement.
On to Tom and Brent's where they had kindly baked some lovely date scones and we had a nice cuppa with them. Malcolm and Tom got on very well, sharing lots of interests in art, books and travel. I knew they would be a good match. So home to have a rest before the big 60th birthday for Angel tonight at Speight's Ale House in Petone. I am sure it will be really nice with just fifteen family going. Malcolm has decided to stay home to rest so I showed him how to watch the DVDs on my tellie. He is also online with Dean in Oz so that keeps him happy. The more I see of his relationship, the more fraught with problems I see them. Such relationships with no spiritual base have a very very rocky ground to grow on I'm afraid but I make no judgement as they seem to be made to be together in spite of this recent crisis which they will resolve eventually.

My carrot cake turned out well so we will have a piece before I go out tonight to Petone.
The cake....

The cat....

Malcolm on the stairs..he finally decided to go out for a look at Wellie so I dropped  him on Cuba Street on my way to Petone.

The birthday dinner was excellent. I ate carefully although even then it was too much at night. There were only family there, and then Floss and me, so we sat together. They are a lovely Filipino family indeed.

Angel at sixty with her two kids

A selfie with Angel... 

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