Saturday 2 January 2016

Te Papa on a wet Sunday

It has been too long since I've been to our National Museum the wonderful Te Papa, and what better than on a wet Sunday, day three of 2016. Arriving early-ish, ten a.m. it is already abuzz and so many young families are here. It is indeed a family friendly museum, Our Place, as it is called so well. So I immediately take the lift to floor four to settle in the lovely lounge area for a first coffee.
A real 'slice of heaven'.

In the café, naturally....😊

Te Papa is now under new directorship, a Kiwi bureaucrat stolen from a top Aussie post is now runnng this cultural Icon, and apparently his Maori credentials aren't too high but he's got the job, so get on with it. There is a huge Maori component to Te Papa, and I happily know a few Maori who work here and love it. I think it would be an excellent place to work, wonderfully situated on the harbour, and open everyday of the year except for Christmas Day and also free. What more could you want?

I am reading the local Fishbone magazine and see that its editor very sensibly and with great erudition, maps the risky time Wellington is presently at. The Mayor is part of the problem, and should not be re-elected. She is a total flake,  a fact I have discovered personally. But the major problem as this writer says isnthat Wellington city is overgoverned by nine bodies, and is less than half a million people. It needs amalgamating something which was recently refused, in order to get things done. An essential decision being the extension of the airport runway to make it an International Airport. Wellington needs to be a real gateway to this incredible country and presently it can't even accept overseas carriers.
This needs to be addressed immediately or it will remain in a stasis and will allow Auckland to fast become the mega-moth it is already starting to be.

This $11 milliondream home near Nelson is nearly unbelieveable...

Really a paradise...

to be wondered at. The owner appears to be an American developer.

This wet day has put me to do some booking for Melbourne in ECK retreat plus chance to catch up with old friends with some health problems. These happen with age and we just gotta deal with it ay, but it is a wake-up call that we are mortal and we must make each day, and moment, count.

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