Friday 8 January 2016

Day two in Brizzie

Where can I start? The miracle that occur daily in Eckankar never cease. First I was therthe monute Diana arrived with her lovely son Ben in the foyer of this gigantic hotel in the centre of this vibrant city. Eckists, all friends, arrive and hug me and friendships are renewed every minute. It is indeed a morning of love to be treasured, although my sleep deprivation is taking its toll.
Aindré and her sister Narellemeet me in the lift on my arrival at the Hilton

Tony and Floss doing their workshop

An overhead to be recorded...

The moning unfolds in a surreal way. I lose my specs and they take a day to be found and delivered, always knowing they would turn up, but they passed by several hands on the way. But they are here and all is OK, but more than that. Sharing with old friend Diana, who is mempry impared, seripusly, is a delight. Everyone here knows and loves here and she is surrounded by hugs and wonderful people.
We attend the talks together and her thoughts are as sharp and lucid as ever. Becauae of the cool airconditioning we need to buy her a cardigan and so at the end of the uplifting day, we go to David Jones and find a perfect choice. She is delighted and we celebrate with a light meal of sushi, something which she has never eaten. It is going to be a fantastic seminar I know.

Diana with her needed cuppa...

In the meantime I receive an email from Malcolm, he is coming for a week to stay with me in Wellington from next weekend - wow what a week that will be! His suicidal tendancies will get put away for a week and he will discover a different life.

This morning's workshops were all great, people allowing the love to flow.  Most memorably was meeting with my Persian friends Mehdi and Ehsan from Melbourne, who taught us all that we are a 'sparkle of God'! Such a wonderful way to begin the seminar, and with it hopefully, the cessation of my coughing. Who know what more blessings we will receive?
Steve and Ben Currygiving a great workshop on the Law of Economy.

Helen Wells and Alex doing their workshop

After dinner the evening session was a memorable one with lots of relevance and understanding.
Emma is a great guest speaker and very light hearted at the same time. She also sang with Kate
Finkelstein in two beautiful songs, with two marvellous voices, closing a wonderful evening.
Bed early at ten twenty pm.

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