Wednesday 27 January 2016

Niki meets Malcolm

Friday 22nd January

Left Malcolm to sleep in today so he arrived later at Memphis to have a quick coffee with me and Tom. Gloria and Anita arrived as well, what a party!

Malocolm then reluctantly, went to City and Sea Museum on my suggestion. Also I said to see Floor Four at Te Papa. I wonder if he actually went?

At home later he arrived with another big  smile on his face, as he had gone to a different gallery and bought a glass sculpture for $130. He was so happy as he had found it himself and it was by the same artist that Tom had bought. He said he didn't like the City Museum, also proudly telling me it is now called by another name. So much for my tour guide! What is this man like? I fear he is much the same as his son Rory, who suffers, so Malcolm tells me, from a Narcissist Syndrome. He cannot dis-associate himself from anything else - everything is about him.

I have accepted now 24 yo Tanguy Locqueneux from Limoges to take the small room in spite of others' coming tomorrow to look at it. He is just too nice to miss out on, I hope I am not deceived but I don't think so. He showed me his Air BnB references and they were excellent. I don't think I have made a mistake here and he is Gemini born on June 18!
Bad news about Welly hospital...

This man, with this body,has smuggled kilos of Meth in head pillows...what a dork!

Dog-friendly Memphis....

The next movie for me to see at the Cuba,'Brooklyn', it looks fabulous and is produced by a Kiwi..

Martina wants to know who was corruptin world tennis, and Dokovic was named but he denied it of course. Where there's smoke there's fire I'm afraid.

This great seventy year-oldteaches this Capital monthly magazine will send one back to Dean.

Tonight I cooked a special meal of salmon for Niki and Malcolm, which was very successful. It was a farewell dinner for both of them as Niki has just told me she is leaving next week. I put a new ad in Easyroomate, but first I make a miraculous quick find of a French girl named Marjorie, 28 yo, who has just arrived from Melbourne. She is a French teacher at Queen Margaret College and rang me on her arrival in Wellington today. What efficiency! She came by immediately and looked at Niki's room, she loved it, and was very suitable indeed. I will accept her too, how lucky have I been.

 What a difference a day makes, with a nearly totally new household, and all are French! 
Tomorrow Malcolm leaves and I can relax finally.  The weekend is with Graeme, for ECK in Whanganui.

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