Thursday 7 January 2016

Brisbane here I come!

For the first time I allowed myself only one hour to check in at Wellie airport and it was really tons of time. They recommend two hours which at four am is a bit ridiculous. I arrived at exactly one hour before the departure and was whisked through check-in, security and customs in only ten minutes so I am now in the lounge, very early, with another coffee and pain au chocolat...when will I stop eating sugar?
But also my there is my healthy pineapple which I rashly brought and which leaked,of course, into my bag....however all is good and I am looking forward to a relaxed and exciting few days with many friends in Brisbane.

False optimism...I am enjoying my very strong coffee and pastry and suddenly I hear 'Last call for flight one zero three' and I realise they have been boarding my flight for the last twenty minutes!  I quickly abandon my pineapple, take the rest of my pastry and run to the barrier  where I just happen to be the last person taking my seat. This has happened before to me but not for such a long time I am momentarily stunned, and collapse happily into my large legroom emergency window seat, with no neighbour to witness my near-panic.

Outside I notice the constant Wellington drizzle as I gaze out of the window in relief as we take off and I sink into my welcome seat.  So much for drama-free departures, I won't slip into a self-satisfied mode again, all antennae up when one is catching a plane, especially on an overseas flight, and did I really need to bring that pineapple with me, and have another French pastry? I don't think so!

Anzac Square, lower end... the middlewhere I am having a booster brekkie, bacon and eggs, served in a deep plastic bowl. No,washing up in Brizzie it seems. The weather is warm not unpleasant, so I am lucky and will now refreshed, wander down to the fabulous Hilton where I will need this energy after a tiring flight with no breakfast supplied. 

Already forgotten this breakfast!NZ has truly spoiled me.

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