Thursday 28 January 2016

Memphis first birthday

January 28Thursday 
Wow, it's birthday time at the Memphis, and Johnny has been creative, all the boyz are in nappies as Memphis celebrates twelve months under Johnny's ownership and I have been coming here for all that time it appears. They are having a champagne party at six pm tonight so I may pop by for a glass!
Hi! says Paris!

Guy comes over to meet me...

Johnny's neat pins...

And Dave's

And of course Paris!

The place is jumping
and the young man who intoduces himself as Guy, who has also been a regular here, decided it is time to say hullo.  He is a perfectly articulate graduate from Wellington College and is beginning his first year at Vic Uni studying Philosophy, Film and  International Relations to prepare him for a surefire career in Diplomacy. He explains that his grandparents were diplomats, from Singapore and Maori background, so he is well equipped for a stellar career if all goes well. His voice is six star English diplomat so he has a good start, and he's very tall and dresses like the once fashionable dandy.

Later I am expecting my new Chinese tenant Howell to come in and we will return home to show him his new room. It is a busy day and Malcolm has written me three emails which I haven't had time to reply to,which I will do tonight hopefully.

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