Wednesday 27 January 2016

Malcolm Arrives

Friday, January 15 2016

The winds are up today to welcome Malcolm as he arrives on the Qantas 11.05 pm flight tonght. It will be an interesting week.
Front page, I am not at all surprisedas the cost of living here is very high and 'free' schooling is a myth.

Front page..Milo the Burmese traveller, returns safe and sound to his parents at Waikanae.

Putin at work again disposing of his critics

Obama's final State of Union Speech

Johnny being Johnny

Recent attacks by young migrant men against women in Cologne are very seriousfor the future of the European Union. 

Britain is now very scared of the perceived weakness of its borders, especially because of the famed 'Chunnel' making it no longer surrounded safely by sea. This tunnel is the conduit for much illegal people smuggling and refugee escapees. It is an enormous problem, at the same time being an essential entry point for tourism and a quick jaunt to get into France their friendly neighbour avoiding congested airports. I have done the Euro-rail trip and it was delightful and easily the best way to get to Paris from London.

After another stimulating time with Tom at the Memphis, I am back to finishing shopping at the New World supermarket and to bake a great carrot cake for Malcolm's arrival,  probably also to take to Tiwhanawhana on Monday night.

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