Monday 4 January 2016

Sun returns...

ThIs morning at Memphis has been ultra busy, for Memphis and for me as I looked up and discovered it was N's friends sitting opposite me, Gill and Andy. So happily with their help I am now on FaceTime and have been for a while but didn't know it. It is the cellphone -Skype and most people use it, such as Murali who rang yesterday from Singapore. Said he now is renting a cheap room for four nights in Brisbane so I am looking forward to seeing him there. I actually am getting quite excited about the visit to see all my Aussie friends and have another look at Brisbane.

Eddie at work at Memphis...

Holidays finished...

Merkel in bed with Putinvery bad news...

Good coffee, good news!

Manchester fun on NYE...

Gloria just arrived with her two friends, it is always good to see her, she is a  trooper and loves her Memphis coffee, as we all do. Last night at Ron's party, which was quite interesting with many Asians there naturally, Tom asked me to go to Nood to buy a pillow - No Drama- he said, it's for Nicholas and it says exactly that! So having finally posted Gail's gift to Malabar, arrivng next week no doubt I am now off to Nood, a great furniture and decor shop off Tory Street. Also to do some photos for Tom and Brent, and even buy a 2016 Diary for this year. I always need a diary altho nearly everything I do is on this I-Pad!

Anyway I discovered from Gill that her Ukulele group is singing in Virginia US at Hampton on March 12, a good chance to contact Sandy again, hopefully  there'll be 'no drama' there also!

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