Wednesday 27 January 2016

Bowie's 'Labyrinth'

Wednesday January 27

Well no expectations in this hunt as yesterday I received three cancellations, c'est la vie, and I am now looking anew with a new and different ad in Trademe. The room will go no doubt and I am learning more each time. Today at Memphis I am inteviewing a few and Chines boy  Howell just came in. He is a chef at Cordon Bleu and not the right one I'm afraid. Others will come no worries.

The crew at Memphis..

Java Dance group coming to Circa

may go....

Not sirprised at this,

the Kiwis are more entrepreneurial

Terrible news from Calais with migrants crazily boarding is a world crisis magnified by tragic circumstances.

Peter just texted me and is coming, wears purple shirt, mmmn, we'll see how he is. He is prompt and these days it's first past the post. I could always take him to see room today even with Niki still in it as this is in her interest too. Nationality unknown work, unknown, age unknown. All will be revealed. As always Memphis is abuzz with clients and bop music.

Peter arrives, a Chinese Puerto Rican New Yorker...quite the mix and very interesting and interested.
He says he will come to see the room at five thirty. Am not holding my breath but will be ready as I think he would fit in quite well as he is a banker too!

At the Memphis and Eddie is having a bad day as his mate at the tattoist isn't there for him to do his drawing. He is depressed and no-one can comfort him, not even his lovely Mum Anne.
But eventually he comes around, Johnny's place is so full of love.
Eddie being Eddie...

Long term illness gives a a chance to prepare for the biggest adventure of life - death, or as we call it, translation, after all, it is just Soul going from one plane to another, isn't it?

Interesting, Joe Bennett spits the dummy with

modern technology, I feel for him!

Taika and his great Indie success

leads him to the 'Thor' franchise in Hollywood. Hope it doesn't spoil him as it has done others. Can't wait to see this latest offering.

Must remember these picnic spots, I have only been to the one in the pic where he is sitting on his picnic rug at Island Bay, which is very nice indeed, but the other places look fantastic!

Today at the Memphis I was extremely busy with three more interviews, two unexpected ones, also Tom called in and met one of the prospects. He was the gay nurse Michael, who had only replied this morning, claiming immedately he was gay and calling me Pablito. I was intrigued to meet him, especially as he came just while I was chatting with Alfonso the hunky Mexican Taco maker and IT worker who was charming and handsome in the extreme. He was enthusastic until I told him overnight girlfriends weren't on, so we shook hands amicably and he left me with Michael, who was quite happy not to bring girlfriends home. However even with his charming English accent, he was born in Yorkshire, I felt he was too enthusiastic and would hardly fit in with the two Frenchies in the house. I was, after all, about to see the Chinese Howell who had expressed a final decision to take the room without even seeing the house! I told him to come with his money. So he arrived, just after sending me a text saying he wasn't coming at all, so I reversed my decision and talked turkey with him so he deposited half the amount and tomorrow will pay the rest. He was very happy to have secured the room and will be the right one I hope after all. He is a replica of Sonny, studying at the Cordon Bleu with a part-tme job so he will be very much out of the house. He is very smiling indeed. We then arranged to meet at the Memphis tomorrow to go the house together.

Am now off to the Roxy at Miramar.
The Miramar Roxy

where the David Bowie's movie 'Labyrinth' is having a one night showing. It seems every movie fan or Bowie buff in Wellington is here.

Me on the ceiling at the Art-Deco Roxy...

A blurry reflection of the crowd

arriving to what will surely be a sell-out séance of what will now, on Bowie's death, become a cult classic.

It was a very interesting seventies movie, advanced for its time, and its character animations were a delight for the movie-mad audience. Bowie performed Bowie, which was good as always, and the movie received a big applause from a captive audience. Worth seeing.

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