Wednesday 27 January 2016

Tenant time...!

Saturday January 23

Well it was a good time to go to Newtown while M was catnapping after a bad night's sleep, something which he had regularly here, bad sleep patterns. So I snuck away and did the market as well as catching a cheap desk for the new front-room tenant. All good, and home by one-thirty to pick up a readied Malcolm and ferry him to the airport. An unemotional hug sufficed as frankly it was overtime, his departure, he planned a too-long stay, for him and for me. Wellington is a three day affair for a tourist really, as after that it is repetitive, especially as in Malcolm's case, he has been everywhere and done everything, at least on the art scene.
Café Baobabat New Town, very busy.

Behind the bar...

An amazing survival story...another brave Kiwi.

The mystique of the haka...

Sarah Palin being foolish, again.

Kiwi Kiri in Whanganui..the biggest star in the Kiwi firmament, still misses her home country, but coaches talent in London.

Back to prepare the room for inspection and see two prospective tenants. Both Ken and Mickael are lovely young men and either would be good, but I will hold my decision till Tuesday after I see French Marjorie again. In the meantime I get ready for an early night with a seven a.m. trip to Whanganui in the morning for my ECK Workshop with Graeme. It has been a very big week and I'm glad it is over!

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