Saturday 9 January 2016

Day three..'le comble'!

KLast night as the first dream night of the seminar, meaning I had some early morning dreams, again funny ones with Maisie and a cat. But a nice feeling resulted after a bit of a flood into a bedroom, in my dream that is. So be it, we will see what happens today. Rooming with Diana has been fascinating and she is an amazing person indeed. Everone comes up to her to hug her and say how much they love her. Such is the ECK stream she is living in although she sometimes in unaware of it with her memory fraility.
Mark and Sarah...

...the aim.....

....the Audience.

The Iranian Eckists have been the stars of this seminar in my opinion. Three of them who delivered inspiring talks were appreciated to the full by an audience willing to learn from their vastly different and so rich Persian culture. It was a delight to be in their presence.

The youth panel withNalita and Boston Curry the reluctant stars. 

Emma singing with Kate,both with beautiful voices.

The seminar ended with Emma, formerly Mary Lou, when she was Larry Siegel's wife, giving a final and really questioning address - where are we going and how are we getting there? Are these the major questions of life? I think so. She also gave a fabulous rendition of two superlative
 ECK songs which finished the final day on a really high note. Baraka Bashad!

Then on for a cuppa with Murali and the train to meet Jan and Rob for the next stage of my short trip to Brisbane.

At Jan's for tea and an early night.

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