Wednesday 6 January 2016

Eve of Departure

The Memphis today is showing why I come here everyday... the music is bopping, Johnny is dancing to the customers and Paris and Dave are serving great coffee. I have a warm melted pain-au-chocolat as it is my last one for five days as I fly to Philistine Brisbane, or not? Who knows, it's certainly going to be a great seminar and I just saw the first Facebook posting of the very upmarket Hilton Hotel, venue of the South Pacific ECK Seminar. Perhaps I will  find a great coffee there too, here's hoping.

However the news from the Middle East, the Oil Barons, Saudi and Iran, is more than upsetting, it is downright dangerous. The Saudis have beheaded an Iranian Sheik, the most important Sunni, and the Shias have perhaps bitten off more than they can chew, to mix metaphors. An Iranian counterattack in the form of cyberwarfare could bring serious trouble for this embittered religious dispute. What is it with the Sunnis and the Shias, they both follow Mohammed but fight like total enemies...
Such is the insoluble problem of the lower worlds and certainly the reason why I am aiming for the higher ones, through Eckankar.
Groovy Memphis...

Bio Booksof the year and Oliver Sacks is my favourite which I bequeathed to Peter K to whom I must write later today. 

A smartly outfitted Kiwi lady

Johnny on the job...

Am catching a final movie at the Cuba Lighthouse today, it is called 'The Revenant' starring Leonardo di Caprio, and has had a great review. Then I am home to pack and be ready for a before-dawn departure in the morning.

Well, as usual....

I didn't really read the review, and it was a gripping boy's own adventure stuff, filmed incredibly by excellent director Mexican Iñarritu, but it was a tad long at two and a half hours. However there was absolutely spectacular Canadian scenery, some good acting and directing, and Tom Hardy, which altogether made it go reasonably quickly. You just had to suspend reality for a while, although the credits said it was based on a true story. That I can imagine, and it did show the gruesome fighting of the American Indians against their invaders who were stealing their pelts and raping their women. The Indians were actually by far the most believeable in this epic.
Worthy of an afternoon with nothing much better to do.

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