Sunday 3 January 2016

First day back at Memphis

This is Monday January 4th, I still can't fix the dates on this Blog!
Anyway it is now the countdown to Brisbane,  really only three more days and today is haircut day hopefully as I have discovered a new barber in NewTown. Danny has missed the boat with me so I am now searching new fields.
Paris on board making my first versatoof the year.

Last night was much on  the phone, as quite late at night I received two unexpected calls from Mary Lou and Murali. ML as always, was a bit hard to understand, but super-friendly as ever, and one day I will visit her at Ulmarra.

Whereas Murali's call was to see if I was going to the Seminar and did I have a room to share? Well I am, and I haven't, infortunately, but I did put him in touch with Paula who may be able to help him. I sometimes wonder if Diana will be well enough to come, but I suppose so. I spoke also with Jan in Brisbane and she is excitedly waiting for my visit next Sunday, asking me what I liked for breakfast, such a nice thing to ask, but then she is a such good friend.

The music at Memphis today is soft and cool, good for the hangovers of the staff who obviously had quite a party over the holiday break. Today Wellie is still super quiet and it's not till next week that the workers return to work it seems, although today is a full working day.

Paris had a nice time over Christmas I thinkhe has a contented smile on his face.
Just thinking....

Can't quite believe this year is shaping up so fast with my Melbourne ECK Retreat locked in for April with the visit to see Hazel included who is not well at all. As I also, later in the year, plan a visit to WA to see family, Christy and Agnes in particular, this will mean three Aussie trips this year, taking the place of the big OS trip which I have cancelled. 

Next year 2017, the year of the European Seminar in Frankfurt, it will be a big trip so I will save my energy and money to plan for that in August, perhaps making it a longer trip, even contemplating coming home via the US to see Douglas and Elanita.

So this year I have some goals - get together with family in WA; do the ECK Interfaith connection with more positive input; make great speeches at Toastmasters; improve my SCD and buy a new kilt and shoes; write more articles for ECK newsletters and become fitter and improve diet even more.
I think that's enough for the moment ay? I'll look at this list at the end of the year to see which ones I succeeded in.
Baxter texting, as you do....

Here is my new barber's shopin New Town, run by some Syrians who don't want  to know about their runined country. A bit rough, but a short haircut at a cheaper price is how I am going these days. I also discovered in the mirror my top is thinning quite a bit so in not much more time I may have that bald spot I have been keen on avoiding. Oh well, age has its costs and now I am beginning to experience them.

 Decided to have a second coffee at Rubia's acorss from the barber, but they too have not supplied the Dom Post so am suffering 'news deprivation' today and I thought I was beyond it. It was a salutary and telling moment, bald pate and needing the news, two things I have to deal with today. Tonight I am off to Ron's for a barbecue which will be interesting and a nice way to bring in the New Year with some good friends.

At Rubia's with a near bald headfor $25 - my age is now showing which is probably quite a good thing, forcing me into reality, Lol! However I think it was my first, and last, trip to this barber...

Discovered fab festival in Aucklandin March...should I book some tickets as there are some amazing shows on? Could see Norma again, and Pam of course. Will consider. Now home for a rest as there is no Post Office open, merde!

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