Sunday 10 January 2016

Forestdale- sunny luxury

Awake to semi-rural bliss through the wired window.  All must be secure in this metropolis of the North.
It is called Forestdale....

Pristine new kitchen...

Jessica with her jigsaw ..
I am staying with an old friend from Sydney days in the eighties, Jan. She and her husband Rob and daughter Jess, who has become a big star in swimming in the alternate Olympics, and was once chosen as Queensland sportsperson of the year. She is a big success story.

...her great awards...

As Sportsperson of the Year...

Representing Australia....

With all her world records!

It is passing strange coming from the spiritual glitz back to everyday life, but here it is exceptional too, in this suburban luxury backlot with life going on. J and R are at the doctor's for his recurring cancer treatment which he is surviving well but he has had a really rough trip. Jan is a ex-nurse and knows how to deal with situations like this. Jess and I are sitting quietly at home working on our I-pads. 

The effects of such a Seminar take a while to be realised so I am not in a hurry. Suffice to say I kept a note-pad of most of the events we attended Diana and I, and will sift through them later to see how the results are manifested.

In the lounge....

...wirh Jess and Rusty, waiting...

After a lovely lunch prepared by Jan we all have rest in the afternoon as it is a hot 30 degrees celsius today. Then with Rob's help tonight some lightly breadcrumbed fresh mullet goes down extremely well.
It is a dish which I must prepare more often when I return to Kiwiland tomorrow.

As it is predicted to be 33 tomorrow I will be glad to get back to my cooler beloved Wellington after a well spent few days in Brisbane.

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