Wednesday 13 April 2016

And another....!

Today I received a phone call, not a text!! From Nick and he came to meet me at Memphis at about 11am. Tom and Gloria were both there. He is a Welsh 29 yo young man, but very very young, and amazingly genuine and nice. I immediately warmed to him so he accepted my invite to see the hpuse.

We walked via Willis Street to meet Tanguy at work and I used the occasion to buy my sleeping bag for the upcoming retreat. Tanguy was able to get a 35% diacount as a worker!  Très bien!

He loved the house view etc and as it was lunch time I prepared some light lunch which he thoroughly enjoyed. We had a long chat however although we could become friends, he is a barista btw, I feel he will not take rhe room. Just not enough in the city for him. So be it ...more people are looking.
Are we really nuclear free?
Mou Mou is chipped snd happy but people are worried about native bird habitats

More memories of Bowie from a musicmad nation. Tonight I am booked to hear a talk by Writer in Residence Nicolas Fargues at the National Library. My ToastMaster friend Caroline has invited me. It should be interesting.

Very disappointing talk by this young French imposter...

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