Saturday 9 April 2016

Sunday Recovery at Karaka - Julian moves in

Recovery at Karaka Café on the wharf... With much better food than was there before when we went last year. About fifteen dancers turned up and the stylish Polish Pawel from Melbourne bought some wonderful cheesecake for everyone as a birthday gesture. It was the finish of a great dance fest.
Sunday's paper saying NZ has a problem with this Brethren which is a cult religion with money interests.
This man Don McGlashan below is another great Kiwi talent, writing lyrics for the amazing WOW spectacle which I must go to next year.
Aussie writer making news over here, the Kiwis would love as she is such a tough lady.
This is a friend of Tom's who lives at Island Bay alone, but wants a companion who can do  what she dreams about. I totally agree with her.
She lives fabulously in two countries, England and here, and imports Skandi furniture amongst other big stuff. She is an Alpha female that's for sure!
Another Irishman enjoying the single life in fabulous Well gton....
Busy Sunday at Memphis....
Below, news of Paris really in trouble with another popular uprising happening in Place de la République. Reminds me of '68 and '69 student revolt when I lived and also a student in Paris, what great days they were but Paris wants more change now, and things are different.
The Danss group at Karaka Café, Heta and Mari with the couple from Melbourne....
A selfie with Alex down from Rotorua....
Deb and Jenny enjoying the morning....
Pawel looking very smart at Karaka

I prepared a veggie pie for Julan but his friends have not come with the car to move him. So I have eaten and am patiently waiting for him to arrive, but it will be dark and late, c'est la vie!

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