Saturday 2 April 2016

Roxy Cinema for the Wilderpeople

Today was a Wilderpeople day. I went to the Roxy for its showing in the presence of the movie writer and director Taika Waiti, and three of the stars, including honorary Aussie Sam Neill.
Interesting news about the original story by Barry Crump, the famous writer and womaniser of the sixties, his fourth wife wants some of the credit! Am not surprised, as Crump was a raving madman from what I can glean.

Here is the infamous Barry Crump....
A story about Kiwi madness....
...but the crowds love it, milling in the Roxy's foyer before the showing of 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople'.
George Clooney paying the price of fame....
May never go there now Agnès has left Christy....

Instead I'll go to Wanaka, which featured I think in the movie I saw today.
Another famous Kiwi abroad.....

Waiting for the movie to go in...
Inside the Roxy with Director Waita, main star Neill, child prodigy Julian and support actor on the stage... It turned out to be an ok movie which worked because of the child star Julian, certainly not because of Sam Neill who was miscast in my opinion. There were some good cameo roles but the crowd loved it anyway. I agree with local critic who said it treated the dark side of child abuse with comedy but gave it three and a half stars anyway.  It certainly was not as good as 'Dark Horse' or 'Mahana' or 'Boy' all of which I loved.

Now home to rest before dancing tonight.

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