Thursday 28 April 2016

Last day in Melbourne

Well this week has certainly travelled fast and I am doing final things today including picking up Theorem at Arts Access in South Melbourne and attending the HU song at the ECK centre at Moorabbin tonight. It will be quite a tiring day as all big cities are like this, but pacing myself is the only way to go. We watched the great 'Foyle's War' with Eithne last night on tellie and it was a good time to be together after all that has been going on since I arrived. But Maisie is happy with it all as she always has lots to do with her Mum and and I've just been doing my thing. It sems that T and R aren't in Melbourne so this plan is cancelled and I have more time to go leisurely to the  ECK centre tonight as it is an hour's train ride from the city. Will be home by ten and then leave at eight thirty a.m. for for my flight home to Welly tomorrow. Lots to digest after a very busy and good week in my  beloved city of Melbourne. But it is yesterday's town for me, not tomorrow's, where my plans are for wonderful Wellington.

Having a coffee at the Cinematheque on Fed Square to start the day.

Some coulour in a grey and dismal day on Federation Square with the rain drizzling down. I am hoping it doesn't stay this way all day...

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