Saturday 16 April 2016

Trip to Whanganui

Up early for a quick drive to leave my car at the university carpark opposite the station. I am taking the 7.45 am to Whanganui via Bulls, about a three and a half hour trip which I have done before.  It get there in time to buy a nice coffe from the kiosk, and even a blueberry Danish to begin my day! It is a grey day and a nice one for a bus ride where the bus is half emoty, but not for long! At Foxton I feel a nudge as this enormous young boy smiles and slides into my seat beside me where I had previously placed my bag. I asked him where he lived and he didn't know the name of the place so he immediately buried himself in his smartphone...such is the average young Kiwi bus traveller!

At Waikanae turnoff to Gwyneth's...
Opposite a tired young man en route to where?
Below arrival at the fabulous Whanganui River....
...where I had a great coffee at Decaffeinate and read the Sunday rags....
They make 'em old over here....
..Kiwis who get sick don't get looked after in Aussie....
It appears the Kiwis are suspicious of many people, including this ridiculous example of not allowing an Iranian filmmaker into the country fearing she may overstay her visa....what is this all about?
Above the man who hates cats....!
Below an example of asbestosis being a terrible killer and Australia this time paying some compensation to this victim, encouraging others perhaps to go to court like all the Aussies have done, with eventual success.

Sitting on the banks of the river after my coffee, looking across at some modest but superbly situated homes overlooking this wondrous river.
...and a Moa made of driftwood ourside the Information Centre
This is the house next to the centre, would be nice to live in too! Très sympathique as the French would say.

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