Friday 8 April 2016

Saturday Danss Comp.

BA busy day today with a coffee at Memphis and delivery of the photo-montage I took yesterday of Memphis Sixth birthday. It was busy again but I had to be off to the Danss Comp at Whiteria Centre at 1pm. My dance partner, a young Maori man, was nervous as hell and forgot to bring his black shirt, rushed off to buy a new one so all was well. He danced very well and we won certificates.

Anyway the dance competition with competitors from as far as Sydney and Melbourne, but not from Auckland, was excellent and we all had a great time. I even had a chance to dance with the dance-supremo Anya with whom I waltzed and discovered what it is to dance with a real professional. It was so much easier. We came second which I was very happy about. The organisation of the day was excellent and later at Heta's we had pizza and a big de-brief as next year it may even be better. Ooh to have a good dance partner like Anya. He generously posed for a selfie with me.
Wellington hospital does have problems after all. I thought it did!
British PM Cameron has more than problems, he has a crisis, which could unseat him. The Panama Papers will have big repercussions all over the Western world.
A Kiwi self-educated success story, one of the many....
..and below, another different story of success, married twice, with 
two women, and lots of kids and a singing career to boot. Only in New Zealand!

My neighbour Matt's girlfriend on the cover of the big Wellington Woman magazine, Abigail looking beautiful!
This is the big Wellington Woman, Helen Clark set to become the next and probably best UN supremo.

The Maori culture  -taonga- has only become  popular in the last twenty years since the world has matured, recognising and accepting its racist colonial treatment of indigenous peoples, as not only being stupid and counterproductive, but  inhumane. The high rates of self-abuse, incarceration and suicide attest to this. The Maori race is now being celebrated for the richness it gives New Zealand and I love learning about it and as well their wonderful Waiata.

The picture up at Memphis.

After the Danss comp with oldie with a  much younger expert!

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