Sunday 17 April 2016

Return to Welly

Up early and nice brekkie with Graeme. He has created a beautiful oasis here in Castle Cliff and the garden even in Autumn is delightful. We had another great hearing of Sri Harold's talk yesterday at the Springtime Seminar in Minneapolis and it was well worth the trip to this wonderful river city.

On arriving at the bus stop at seven-thirty in the morning Graeme was met by his friend Ivan, a young Czech artist who was saying goodbye to his father who had been visiting him in Whanganui. Gnarled and friendly face his Dad chatted about the beauty of the river as he had travelled it up to Jerusalem many, many years ago when he had brought his young family from Czechoslovakia to New Zealand. His son told me he is now torn between hs homeland and his adopted land NZ. He spends time in both. I can understand well his dilemma, as I feel exactly the same about Australia. There is so much good happening here and it is so accessible, but Aussie is my blood home country

Graeme's well tended garden..
Waiting for bus with Czech friend of Graeme's and his Dad
On the road home....
Stopover at Palmerston for a coffee...
...from a Mexican barista!

Good bus trip home to prepare for Interfaith meeting tonight where I will take some kai. But later I see that Khalid has postponed it as many cannont attend. Ooh well now I can take kai to Tiwhanawhana instead!
The evening at the NZPC is  alway good and getting even better as a cohort of Hawai'ians are with us now teaching us their waiata and we are learning their's. They are a great mob and have close connections with Maori as after all, they are descended from the Polynesian islands and Micronesiato populate  Aoteaora!
 It was a great night and I had an excellent sleep after a tiring weekend.

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