Monday 18 April 2016

Meeting with Anne at Memphis

have been waiting to talk to Anne Gilbert for a while about my doco movie 'Theorem -a dream of change', which is about the magic of creativity in its many ways to allow people with disabilities to be seen as active, creative people in their own right. I gave it to Anne as she is very active in the disability world in Wellington and may be able to use the film to some advantage. Let's hope so.
Above Ed and his brother Tom buying a coffee for the morning start...
Tragic Kiwi sell-out to American company which has bought valuable water resources and siphons off great profits in the process of draining the most precious resource in the world today, our fresh, unpolluted water! Does the New Zealand government know what it's done? I believe so.
British MP criticises 'pseudo science' as misleading the world health. OK they haven't the resources for mammoth testing, but their premises are correct in my opinion, but you do need to filter the information with your own intelligence.
Again, is sugar bad for you? Should it be restricted in the diet by heavier taxes? I think so, people decide with their pockets...
More government wheeling-dealing, at least it made the editorial!
The humble cabbage..must go home and use mine!
An excellent book to show where the 'fat problem' lies...with advertising and the fast-food chains!
Tragic earth-quake in Ecuador...

Here is Anne's newsletter for servicing people with disabilites and their families. It is excellent and the IHC is my next membership. Btw she liked 'Theorem' and wants a copy to show some interested people. It may be just the outlet that my doco needs to have some good effect on society. Australia  has had its chance, now for New Zealand!

Btw, did I mention I have signed on Kojiro (in photo), a young Japanese chef, to take the room of Alice? He texted, came, saw and decided on the spot. That's the way I like things to be and was also how Julian and Tanguy decided, immediately. I feel when Kojiro arrives we will have a superbly functioning and very interesting group of young people in my home. Now for my trip to Oz for ten days and a big new start on my return! 

Always think positive thoughts and positive things will happen to you. That's exactly what has happened here!

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