Wednesday 27 April 2016

Meeting with Hazel

Last night at the Melbourne Theatre Company, Lawler Theatre, I had an excellent theatrical experience. 'Peddling', written essentially for a young audience, had a full house, being practically all young girls from private schools with a smattering of boys and teachers. We were entertained with a tour de force exhibition by a young London actor. He had superb acting and athletic skills and was accompanied by a young woman drummer who treated us to a spectacular show of virtuosity. This young English actor is a man to watch, his skills were really of the top order, and the play, a monologue of a homeless young man searching for his blood mother, was very topical and touching. Although few in the audience would have related to his experiences, as indeed, nor did I, it was a great production and perfect for me to see just how much Melbourne has to offer on the theatre scene.

On the train to Flagstaff Gardens
..another beautiful park amongst the many in Melbourne
Bad Aussie treatment of refugees on Manus Island, what's new?

A rainbow filtering through the window at Café Frances settled on my newspaper over some awful gang war news. At least I have its beauty to consider!

Below the smart Italian waiter doing his stuff at Lygon Street Brunetti's
....where I stopped in for some take-home pastries...
In their excellent Brunetti box...

Today has been a catch-up with old buddies at PLC Prahran and a realisation that my decision to leave   Melbourne six years was a good one. I see no change amongst them although the centre is doing a great service for positive people. That done, I took two trams to meet up with old Kiwi friend Hazel who looked 'absolutely fabulous' in a great outfit and she was in good form as we downed another coffee and cake in the smart Kew café which she likes. 

Time now for a leisurely trip home but I decided to avoid peak-hour and take in the movie 'Sherpa' at the Carlton Nova cinema, a favourite of mine. It also happens to have the most Italian of sweet cafés in Melbourne so I am tempted by some cannoli which was featured in last night's 'My Kitchen Rules' which we looked at. I am hoping Eithne, Maisie's Mum, will like a few other pastries as well which looked so delicious in the show.

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