Friday 29 April 2016

Melb Airport on to Wellington

Have been hustled through the airport security and customs at Melbourne. A labyrinth of duty free shops all vying for your money and finally an electonc camera says I can leave and I drop my departure pass in a perspex box with all the others never to be looked at and I wonder what I could have written on it as no-one ever looked at it.
Maisie dropped me at the airport in good time and as I had only carry-on luggage I was able toavoid the long check-in queue somehow. So I get through in good time with as little hassle as possible but proving it is always good to get there extra early to avoid a possible hold-up.
Relecting on an ok coffee at one of the many coffee lounges, this one called Café Vue.
...and this is the view from my seat.

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