Monday 11 April 2016

More change in the house...Alice is leaving!

Last night Alice quietly announced that she has been offered a new home closer to her work so she is moving out in two weeks. So be it, another ad in Trade Me.

Rushing out today was a bad idea, I left my i-Pad at home so it was a lesson in detachment. But after a nice coffee with Gloria  I had my fill of the news and I managed to get an early bus home. After all, the ad to replace Alice in Trade-me had brought an instant reply from an American girl who tomorrow morning will meet me at the Memphis.

The immediate state of momentary disquiet when I knew that yet again I would be seeking a new person to share my home has disappeared each time I make a move in the right direction - that is, with  detachment and positive thinking. Yesteday I thought I would wait for my return from Australia before I looked for someone, but on awakening this morning I knew I had to move immediately, so I quickly vamped up my advertisement on Trade-me and placed it on page one where the first person to log in would read it. Who knows what will happen, but I am detached and the right person will appear. Pehaps it is this American girl? I am always optimistic.

Anyway my Kiwi-American boy Julian has proven to be just what I was looking for without realising it. Already he has redecorated his room completely with his posters and original paintings, and it is both colourful and inspiring.

Below is his rendition of a changing moment in his life, when the penny dropped and he saw something he hadn't expected. It was a flash or an 'Aha!' moment, when he saw clearly what he had to do. I love this painting and it showed me what a jewel of a young seeker I have now in my household. I will now seek for a fitting person to share him with in the coming twelve months or so.

This is the moment when he connected to Spirit...
His posters - although he is too young to remember the Beatles, he loves their music, as indeed I do too.
Another interesting poster depicting the automaton spewing out the population...not very nice, but telling.
His other great interest of Star Wars, still fascinating for many of the younger generation.
This is his new view from his desk....
...and of his desk. I look forward to hearing some of his music. Welcome Julian to no. 42!

A just and fitting editorial from the Dom Post. The PM should disclose his $50 million fortune details, methinks he is a little like British PM Cameron, his idol who is now being forced to disclose his assets and tax receipts
Good advice on food....
...and more in this good health page of today's paper. Not all is doom and floom!

I discovered a graduation ceremony at the Michael Folwer Centre on my way home...
...accompanied by a Scottish Pipe quartet with drums! It was quite inspiring.

The so called 'little' things which happen everyday in this inspiring town are the reason I am totally captivated by it.  I have recently joined a fresh food co-op at Miramar, and every Tuesday at five-thirty I drive the short ten minutes and pick up two bags of fresh farmers' produce. It is a lucky dip - each week different and it is well worth the trip. The origin of the pruduce is known and it is twice as cheap as the supermarkets who rarely disclose their origins. It is a service run by the Anglican Church and is another great community initiative in Wellington.

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