Tuesday 19 April 2016

Eve of departure to OZ

Tomorrow is my flight to Melbourne and I am getting excited. All is ready and the finding of Kojiro was just what I needed for a good send-off gift. What a great return to look forward to, Julian will be back from Rotorua and Kojiro arrives on May 1st.
This 83 yo fell from a tree, broke a bone and dragged himself to his house where he lay for days till someone found him still alive, just showing how a strong will overcomes nearly everything.
PM Key strutting his stuff in China...awrrgh!
So many unsuspecting ,fall to their deaths in this very steep risky countryside.....
Still hope for me, he started writing at seventy and is published at eighty-six!
Great cost of healthcare in New Zealand, something to be aware of when you get older...

Eddie holding forth at a table of fans....
Mark Reason again showing sense and rational knowledge of Rugby League this time. He covers all sports with an expertise that is mind-boggling.

What did I say of Kiwis loving to feel the ground beneath their feet? Here is an example of feeling Memphis floor beneath this older guy's bare feet! But is is a lovely sun-filled Autumnal day in Wellington!

Anne Gilbert was here again today with Eddie and she told me that a group from Memphis is going up to her property on the Whanganui River right above the Jerusalem settlement.  It was a wonderful surprise to hear of Pikiriki, and I checked it in Google map and it is indeed a paradise, certainly from the many pictures posted about the area. It is where her sons Tom and Eddie have been adopted by the local Iwi, the Maori tribe of the region and also where she plans to continue her already up-and- running Manuka Honey business. Gideon, AJ and Rueben, all good friends of Eddie, are travelling up for the weekend or more, to hunt for some food and have a real country experience. These are the great things happening here which one never hears of.

Off then to Toast Masters where today I had my first experience of a job, the Grammarian, he or she who chooses a word to be used by all the speakers, that is, if they can fit it in. I naughtily chose 'cogent' and it was not a very popular one I'm afraid. Caroline was there again and she kept her promise which I had entirely forgotten, of passing her used 'New Yorkers' on to me which I accepted with great joy. These are certainly one of my favourite casual reading exercises, and I thanked herlots and  loaned her my copy of Coal Flat and Jean Watson's short book. I hope she enjoys them.
TM went along well again, I did a short Table Topic, and offered to make a speech in June so I will have lots to do on my return to Wellington in May.

Home to ring Maisie and finalise my arrival tomorrow at Melbourne Airport and all is in place for avery important retreat at Ballarat and some days catching up in Melbourne with old and good friends.

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