Wednesday 27 April 2016

Lunch with Pawel

Am at Café Frances again as they have really done a perfect job with my coffee.
It is a grey day today and after breakfast with Maisie I am off to see Polish friend Pawel for lunch at the Cornish Arms which has a new Vegan reataurant well publicised in The Age a few days ago.

Below Maisie on the net
Outside Café Frances...
Melbourne at gridlock in Hoddle!
Too many suicides in Melbourne...
Memories of twenty years ago the 1996 massacre at Port Arthur 
Pell really in the gun this time, will he escape? I hope not.

It turned out to be a most interesting lunch with Pawel. Sydney Road is always fascinating with its plethera of diverse shopping outlets and now some interesting restaurants to boot. The Cornish Arms, once a pub, is now a largely successful 'fusion' restaurant and on arriving I saw it was completely empty, opening for business only at noon. The Maître D was effusive and later so pushy we decided to leave without acknowledging him. It wan't such a great place with him in charge. So we just went next door to a Lebanese place and had a tea and toastie for me, and coffee for the others.

 Pawel had brought with him his best friend who was a Maori woman called Christina and also her fiancé from Poland, Marek. It was totally unexpected but a very happy event and I was delighted to have them for coffee. Marek was only new  to Melbourne and his English practically non-existent, so conversation was with Pawel, Christina and me. Both Pawel and Christina worked in care of the disabled so there was much to talk about. Christina, like many Maori women, had given birth to eight children, husband dying a few year ago, and now she had met Marek at Pawel's father's funeral three years ago in Poland and they are now making a life together at Ringwood.  

It was a delightful story and Pawel was a very charming person as I thought he would be and I gave him the chocolates I had fogotten to give Hazel yesterday. He was very happy to have them although he looks like he never eats a sweet, ever!

We finished early, Pawel on his way to a cosmetic surgeon for a small procedure, and me on to see an Aussie movie called 'A Month of Sundays'at the Kino Cinema in town. It looks excellent with the great Anthony Lapaglia and Julia Blake starring. 

 Below Christina, Pawel and Marek in a Brunswick café

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