Sunday 10 April 2016

Autumn beauty

Just a touch of freshness in the Artist's brush today and after a nice long versato at Memphis I feel the urge for a dose of the city library, always a warm and fuzzy feeling there. The new boy has slept in, as he said he would and I'll leave him to get to know Alice a little as when he will meet Tanguy is a moot question. Perhaps on Wednesday when Tanguy has a day off.

Below an excellent example of the personalised attitude of the Kiwis, in particular Air NZ, who looked after this man and got themselves some good publicity on the front page of the Dom Post at the same time. His tyre was repaired as soon as he arrived at the airport and he didn't miss his rendezvous.
Sunny at Memphis...
The French look is evident in Wellington, even in shorts!
Cameron in trouble but will probably survive...
Great golf pic of Kiwi Danny Lee losing his touch in Augusta.
Report of WOMAD makes me really want to go next year, in a caravan perhaps?

Am still stumbling, in an enjoyable fashion, through Bill Pearson's epic tome of 'Coal Flat' but I need to concentrate to finish before I leave for Melbourne next week. I have decided to go to Whanganui for the ECK worship service with Graeme next Sunday, a touch of this lovely country city is always refreshing and Graeme appreciates the gesture. I will also have a double whammy of the Springtime Seminar as Friday night at Flashdog and Sunday at Graeme's I will hear and see Sri Harold in action. Sometimes I need to see/ hear him twice to really get the message.

My neighbour at the Library Café with her new baby...
...and more babies below. The Kiwis often bring their kids up with books and jogging, possibly both of these, and this library is very child-friendly, see below.
Passing by a minute ago I saw another quintessential Kiwi man...bearded and smiling, in his fifties pehaps, well dressed, carryinghis shoulder satchel, striding through the library café and I happened to glance down and noticed he was bare-foot...something which is not so unusual here as many grow up so attached to feeling the earth beneath their feet even when it is in the city.  They seem to want the feel of feet on the ground, whatever it is made of. Such are the small treats of Wellington, capital city of New Zealand.

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