Tuesday 10 January 2017

A blisterer!

Today is supposed to be nearly forty degrees centigrade, which is like stepping into an oven so I am prepared and will spend little time outside, although I do plan to place some more flowers ( artificial ones!) on my Mother's grave at Point Clare. Luckily she is placed near the trees so there may be some shade near her grave. This with a visit to see my friend PK after his Melbourne trip is all I plan for today as my preps for tomorrow are all made. A light lunch for the two brothers and then a drive to Ettalong for a suprise meeting with Luke. I hope it goes well.
Trump has begun his nepotism with son-in-law as senior advisor in the White House. I think it is just the beginning as this man likes to be surrounded by family and his close friends. The US will be ruled by a Reality TV host who is used to sacking peiple who don't fit his picture of what he likes. The future is very bleak in the US but who knows, out of this quagmire might arise something positive. Let's hope!
Th Chamberlain story still resonates as one of Australia's worst miscarriage of justice and trial by media. Lindy was jailed, no-one believed them when they spoke of a dingo, and evidence was suppressed. The Northern Territory was to blame and its justice system still today leaves a lot to be desired.
A movie was made, they were exonerated but the irreparable damage was already done.
Both  Lindy and Michael were born in New Zealand which is a point which does not escape me.Was  this also a racist victimisation perhaps? The Northern Territory is notorious in this regard.
Sydney Theatre Company flops on Broadway even with superb acting from Blanchett and Roxburgh.  The play obviously was the lovechild of Blanchett's husband, Upton, and just didn't pass muster with the very tough New York critics. I am not surprised as although it was  a great success in Sydney, NYC is not so parochial. 
We now have a gay couple in the headlines who are both leading men in their respective musicals, Aladdin and Kinky Boots, one Sydney and one in Melobourne. Nice to see, such is Social Media!
We are finally having the truth of Australian history revealed in the horrific murders of the Aborigines in the early days, murders which were not recorded until this man Plunkett tried to right some wrongs. This book is a worthy record of his efforts.

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