Saturday 21 January 2017

Cosmo Café and The Inauguration

Today was a day to visit Sydney so I took the early train to catch the first release of 'Lion' at the Dendy Quay, a favourite cinema of mine if only because of its position on Circular Quay, my absolute favourite Sydney water spot.

'Lion' was a great movie of inter-racial adoption starring Dev Patel as the older adopted Indian son. The young boy Saroo, who became lost in India, his younger self, was also amazingly good but heart-achingly sad. It was a true story and a touching one, saying in a post-script that 80,000 young Indian kids are recorded lost on the streets every year. Shot in India and Hobart, Tasmania, with Nicole Kidman and David Wenham the adoptive parents, it was excellently made and certainly worth the Sydney trip, although it will be appearing very soon at Ettalong Paradiso I'm sure.

But of course I came to Sydney to see my good friend Annie. We met up at the Cosmo Café at Bondi Junction and had a great catch-up. She gave me a couple of choice DVDs to look at and pass on to her brother Luke in Woy Woy. Good company as always, Annie is a great talker and listener. Bondi Junction being a shopper's paradise helped me out yet again with my Vital Greens which I always buy from a health store on Bronte Rd. Then home to wonderful Woy Woy.

A part of the cosmopolitan Sydney scene, friendly as well.
With jewellery sellers and buskers  on the streets. 

A former great, Armenian André Agassi, who finally found his match with Steffi Graf. They have a lot in common and now run a tennis empire and have two kids - good luck to them in a tough world.
With President Trump sworn in the day turned into a fairy-tale ball,  but the word 'dangerous' features when Trump's dance with his wife becomes a political opportunity - he also can't dance!
The Trump Dynasty. Trump's youngest son seems to me to quite a loose cannon whose future will be mixed with the crazies. He never seems to be happy and there is a lot going on in that young mind of which his narcissist father has no idea I am sure.
First Lady Melania looked fabulous dressed in powder blue Ralph Lauren and her husband should take some fashion advice from her. Their ominously short walk to greet the very small turn-out of supporters which was half the number who appeared for Obama's inauguration, gave a premonition of perhaps a short reign in office I wonder?
Here are the three young hopefuls in Aussie male tennis, but two of them need a lot of psychiatric help it appears. Alex De Minaur is the only 'normal one'.

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