Monday 9 January 2017

Return from Brisbane

I have been 'off-line' for three days having a marvellous uplifting experience in Brisbane at the annual Australian  ECK Seminar. Held at the Hilton Hotel in mid city, it is a well organised feast of spirituality and joy, where peope from all over Australia and overseas come together  to celegrate their love for each other and for life in general. It is somethng I go to every year and never fail to enjoy, and I always come back with renewed energy and plans for the coming year.

This year the two guest speakers from Minneapolis were the new President of Eckankar and her husband, who was also a talented singer and musician, so there was lots of singing and it was great fun, but with an important spiritual dimension flowing through it all. The title of the Seminar was 'Become the Master of your Spiritual Destiny' and we learned as many lessons as we individually needed over the two and half well-filled days of the Seminar. I even had the opportunity myslef torelate my own story of teaching the sound of HU to a group of ladies recently at Woy Woy, where it was well received. When I return home tomorrow I will make plans to continue singing the HU somewhere on the Coast for those who are interested.
After touching down at Newcastle airport I retrieved my car to make a half-hour trip to see my good friend Jean at her sublime home at Soldiers' Point in Nelsons Bay.
Here is the view of the bay from her verandah...

Having a coffee at Salamander Bay café, very nice.
Trump begins his plans to do what he said... Wait and see.
More horrific disasters in Syria, when will it ever end?

Now a drive home after a big three day Seminar in Brisbane.

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