Monday 2 January 2017

Finally in Sydney, Aboriginal walks and talks!

Nine years ago in Melbourne I went on one of these excellent walks organised by the local Aboriginals in that area and it was fun and highly educational, and now I see in today's Herald it is happening in Sydney so it should be a great success, I hope! This education is what the whities need to realise just how much we have missed with our total neglect of the valuable Aboriginal culture in this wide brown and welcoming land.
Watson's Bay is such a beautiful, but now white, region.
Joel Meares is a great spokesperson for the GLBTI community, good on him!

Poor Sam Stosur, so strong but so unlucky, perhaps?
This is the holiday vibe at Ruby's where local people catch up after a hectic holiday season.

Tomorrow I have invited C and her friend Glenda for an early tea at my place so I have some shopping to do  today at Aldi's. Forgot to say I went to see  'Sing', a fabulous animated movie at Cinema Paradiso last night,  and really it was worth the five stars many critics gave it. It was so much better than La La Land which failed dismally in my humble opinion in of the critics' raves. Who knows who pays them to to write such reviews?

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