Thursday 19 January 2017

Shameful tennis

The Aussie favourite Nic Kyrgios is down and out after after behaving like a spoiled teenager during his loss to Italian star Seppi. Kyrgios is a very gifted player with little self discipline and certainly has a lot to learn. He is no good example for young players, but there are some other good young Australian players on the way up.
The brat Kyrgios shouting off his mouth....
The one who conquered King Novak.
Down and out also in NSW politics, Premier Mike Baird, more of a show-pony in my opinion, has resigned after virtually putting his State into private hands. The road system is a total mess and the politics still serially corrupt. There will be an incoming woman to take his place who should be better but Labor now will pounce on a weakened Liberal opponent.

Not a great loss to NSW in my humble opinion, but a 'nice guy'.
But will she have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the factions which is NSW politics?
Baird's departure....yep!
Irish writer Colm Toibín gives a fascinationg version of historical events through the eyes of Jesus' mother, a woman who was never heard. This may be a feminist revival to show the male writers of the Bible that they might not have got it all right.

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