Friday 13 January 2017

The Laramie Speech

Looking forward to seeing Jessica  again today at The Woy Woy Little Theatre. Jess is the Director of 'The Laramie Project' and she has asked me to speak at a forum she is organising to give the cast a bit of a background to the sociological phenomenon that is sex discrimination all over the world, in this case resulting in a hate-murder in Wyoming USA .I have written a speech which should be OK I feel. Will also be seeing Paula again too and bringing her home to see the success of the umbrella which she kindly gave me.
The differences of the two .....
Now some young men are playing the system dishonestly...disgusting.
And long ago Monica Seles was assaulted and had to quit the game. Its not that sporty is it?

Well the Laramie forum went well and my speech was well received. There were many there who had no idea what I was talking about, being so young, but they are part of a real-life play which was the result of rampant homophobia which I tried to give background to. Jessica was very happy with the result and has offered me two freebies to the Saturday night's performance to which I will ask Malcolm to accompany me. 

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